Before You Nexus Flip, Here’s What to Know
Nexus flipping—the synergistic love child of 2C-B and MDMA—is growing in popularity once again, and bringing 2C-B to the main stage. Many credit this pairing to Alexander Shulgin, the famed “Godfather of Ecstasy,” who wrote about his experience synthesizing and taking 2C-B for the first time in 1974, before it became a popular party drug alternative to MDMA in the 80s. In this account, Shulgin touched on the possibilities of combining MDMA and 2C-B, and how it could be used both recreationally and therapeutically.
Now, Nexus Flipping is reemerging as a popular combination, due to its psychotropic visual experience, and focused, yet euphoric headspace.
WATCH ON YOUTUBE: What is Nexus Flipping? | History, Harm Reduction, and How-To!
What is 2C-B?
4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine—also known as 2C-B, Nexus, Bromo Mescaline, and more—is a novel, synthetic, psychedelic substance of the phenethylamine class. Structurally related to mescaline, 2C-B has been described to produce effects somewhere between MDMA and LSD—with the experience ranging from and “bouncing” between mildly hallucinogenic, visually stimulating, empathogenic, euphoric, and even sobering or clear-headed at times.
2C-B is thought to involve serotonin receptor binding activity, though the mechanism of action is not fully known. There is research to suggest that 2C-B increases dopamine levels, and that the 5-HT2C receptor is primarily responsible for mediating 2C-B’s effects on the brain.

What effect does MDMA have on the brain?
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine—also known as MDMA, Ecstasy, E, Molly, and Mandy—is an empathogen/entactogen substance of the amphetamine class. MDMA has been described to produce effects of stimulation, empathy, euphoria, relaxation, and sociability, as well as producing feelings of closeness with the self and others.
MDMA promotes the release of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain, and blocks their reuptake (blocking the serotonin receptor most potently), resulting in increased levels of these neurotransmitters within the synaptic cleft (the space between neurons).
What does Nexus Flipping feel like?

When combining 2C-B and MDMA, most people report experiencing a heightening of the effects of each individual substance, rather than an experience that is totally independent of the two substances individually. The combination can, however, result in novel experiences, due to the intensities reached from the combined effects, or the feeling of the two substances’ effects synergizing and “weaving” in between one another.
The effects of Nexus Flipping can include the euphoria that MDMA brings on, as well as the prosocial tendencies it encourages, while inducing the psychedelic visuals (both open eye and closed eye) from the 2C-B, as well as the stimulating effects from both.
Of course, the effects are largely dependent on the individual’s brain chemistry, experience, and tolerance, as well as factors as simple as when they last ate or what their environment is like.
How should I time my Nexus Flip? Which do I take first?
Typically, with Nexus Flipping, most people take the MDMA first, wait some period of time—such as when the peak is on its tail end (to encourage the synergistic effects, rather than a collision of “peaking”)—and then consume the 2C-B. The combination may cause new intensities of peaking to occur, with some experiencing a more intense second peak, resulting from the 2C-B combining with the residual MDMA.
Similarly, if someone is “reverse Nexus Flipping” and takes the 2C-B first, they may choose to wait until the come up and peak are trailing before consuming their MDMA, to account for some of the more overwhelming moments of the 2C-B come up, such as the heavy “body load” 2C-B can induce, or the “chilly” or anxious feelings. This allows both substances’ effects to be felt in a synergistic manner, with the 2C-B peak occurring, soon after followed by an easier MDMA come up.
There is research to suggest that there is an antagonistic mechanism if MDMA and 2C-B are taken at the same time. This could be because 2C-B is thought to be a serotonin receptor agonist, which could conflict with MDMA blocking serotonin reuptake. Others report no experience of an antagonistic effect when taken at the same time, and experience the same synergistic effects as when spaced out. It is most commonly recommended to space out the consumption in some way, to avoid this possible clash in mechanisms.
What are the risks of Nexus Flipping? Who should not Nexus Flip?
As with combining any substances, anyone should approach combining MDMA and 2C-B with caution. Even if two substances are not explicitly dangerous when paired, or they are even described as synergistic, it is important to take caution and plan to ingest smaller amounts of each. The effects will be intensified, and even if someone is familiar with taking MDMA or 2C-B individually, it is impossible to predict how their particular body will react to these substances when taken together.
As with any kind of flipping, the user should plan to reduce their doses by a bit, or by quite a bit. Also, it’s important to plan timing intentionally, and it is typically not recommended to consume the two substances at the same time.
Anyone who should normally stay away from MDMA or 2C-B should be extra wary of experimenting with combining the two. For 2C-B, this includes anyone with pre-existing heart conditions, or anyone who has a history of schizophrenia. Like with most psychedelics, anyone who takes Lithium should avoid 2C-B, for its potential to induce seizures or psychosis, and should take caution with Tramadol. Similarly, anyone who has recently ingested Cannabis, Ayahuasca (or anything with MAOIs), or a stimulant should also avoid 2C-B, due to its potential for dangerous interactions.
For MDMA, this includes anyone who has recently taken MDMA within the last 3 months (due to the high potential for neurotoxicity at shorter intervals, and the rapid tolerance development). Anyone who’s taken any of the following substances should avoid MDMA—25x-NBOMe, Protease Inhibitors, 5-MeO-xxT, alcohol, cocaine, DOx, GHB/GBL, MXE, PCP, and Tramadol. The following can cause serotonin syndrome when combined with MDMA, including any MAOIs, 4-FA, methamphetamine, methylone, AMT, 2C-T-X, DXM, and 5-HTP. Similarly, anyone who takes SSRIs or SNRIs should take caution, due to the potential of the “canceling out” of desired psychoactive effects, while still retaining the more dangerous physiological effects.
What if I’m having a bad reaction from Nexus Flipping?
Assuming you do not have schizophrenia, cardiovascular issues, and have not taken one of the substances that can cause dangerous interactions—as with most substances, whether combined or consumed individually, the majority of “bad trips” simply need to be waited out and given time.
Here are some ways to prepare for challenging moments, and to mitigate adverse mental or physical reactions:
- Set intentions, journal, or meditate before choosing to Nexus Flip—this can help prepare your mind for challenging or overwhelming moments.
- Write an affirmation on your hand (or a piece of paper) to come back to if you are feeling out of control—this can help ground you in the moment and remind you of who you are (or who you will return to) in your sober state.
- Wear a pashmina, scarf, or mask to serve as a “safe space” and a reminder to breathe—this can help you focus on your breath and get back into your body.
- Have a buddy nearby. A simple conversation can help ground you, as well as knowing that someone is looking out for you if anything serious were to happen.
- If you are feeling lightheaded, simply get to a quiet space, sit down, and drink water. As with normal MDMA experiences, be careful not to over-consume water (about 1–2 glasses an hour is optimal), because anything more can also be dangerous for the body.
- If more adverse physical reactions occur, don’t be afraid to seek medical help.

Is Candy Flipping similar to Nexus Flipping?
Whether Candy Flipping or Nexus Flipping, the user should approach either experience with caution. The same people who may have adverse effects from Nexus Flipping would also be more likely to have adverse effects with Candy Flipping. Both combinations will create intensified effects, and both doses should be lowered when combining two substances, whether for Candy Flipping or Nexus Flipping.
With Candy Flipping, most people recommend taking the LSD first, followed by the MDMA a few hours later, and that the reverse may cause a bit more of an unpleasant experience. Taking the substances in this order allows for the longer LSD duration to flourish, the potentially overwhelming compounding of come-ups to be avoided, the likelihood of upping the dose (while on MDMA) to decrease, and the MDMA comedown to feel easier.
Nexus Flipping can include either taking MDMA first or 2C-B first, and both timelines are shorter, rather than one substance having a very long duration and one having a much shorter duration.
How is Science Flipping (MDMA and 2C-I) different from Nexus Flipping?
While 2C-B and 2C-I have similar chemical makeups, and are both from the 2C-x family, their effects differ in strength and duration. 2C-I can produce more intense visual hallucinations, as well as a more pronounced cognitive element. Users often describe it as more psychedelic or introspective, compared to 2C-B. Similarly, its effects can last 6–9 hours, compared to 2C-B’s 4–6 hours.
If combining 2C-I with MDMA, users could expect a more intensified psychedelic element, as well as a different suggested timing for optimal onset of both substances. Similarly, some report that 2C-I is less suited for “social” environments, due to its heavier or darker psychedelic effect, which should be taken into account when choosing to pair it with MDMA, which is often consumed in settings that encourage social interaction.
How to Test 2C-B & MDMA
In preparing to Nexus Flip, it is important to verify the presence of 2C-B and MDMA, and to check for dangerous cutting agents. Luckily, the same test kit package used for MDMA is also great for testing 2C-B—the MDMA Spot Kit Package. For MDMA, these three reagents (Marquis, Mecke, and Simon’s) are necessary to verify the presence of MDMA, and rule out cutting agents.
For 2C-B, the reagents in the MDMA Spot Kit Package are also ideal, or alternatively, the reagents in the Mescaline Spot Kit Package would work for 2C-B. In either case, Marquis and Mecke are a great start, and either Simon’s or Froehde would be helpful options as follow-up tests.
You can find the 2C-B reaction videos on our Vimeo, or on our app.