Introducing Our Drug Purity Test Kits
Ever wonder how much psilocybin is in those mushrooms you just bought? Or how much MDMA is actually in that pressed pill you’re taking? Or what about your weed, how much THC and CBD is really in your flower? And does that tiny blotter have as much LSD in it as your dealer says?
When you hear about purity, a lot might come to mind. Visions of the best roll you’ve ever experienced might float through your imagination, or a head-spinning trip that really throws you down the rabbit hole.
There’s a lot to unpack about what “purity” really means—and what it does not mean. We’re here to steer you clear from misinformation, and dive deep into everything you need to know about drug purity test kits.
What Are Purity Tests?
QTests (or “quantitative tests”) are novel, highly advanced test kits for testing the purity or potency—the concentration of active ingredient—of mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, and other psychoactive substances. These tests measure the quantity, or the amount of active ingredient in your substance.
With these test kits, you can determine the number of milligrams or percent purity of MDMA in powder, crystal, or tablet form, the number of micrograms of LSD in liquid or blotter, and the concentration of psilocybin or THC/CBD in mushrooms and cannabis material.
The Science Behind A Drug Purity Test
Unlike other drug checking kits, QTests first separate the active ingredient from the substance, then, using a volume of selectively reactive reagents, display the quantity (i.e., concentration or purity) of active ingredient. This quantity is then measured using a simple gradation color chart.
We’ve partnered with Miraculix and to provide these thoroughly researched test kits. delves into the accuracy of these kits, explaining:

What does “purity” really mean?
When you hear a drug is “pure,” what does your mind jump to? “Pure” must mean your drug is clean, good, strong, and most importantly, safe…right?
Well, unfortunately, no. In the context of drugs, “purity” refers to the amount of active ingredient (the drug itself) in a substance. It does not mean the drug is free from adulterants, cutting agents, or impurities (ironically enough).
Let’s say, for example, that you’re testing MDMA using a QTest. Your results indicate that your substance has 28 mg of MDMA per 32 mg of powder you tested. This means your MDMA is about 88% pure. Sounds good, right?
The problem is, this does not indicate what that remaining percentage contains. Your substance could be 88% MDMA, 10% methamphetamine, and 2% fentanyl. This second substance could seriously alter your experience, and the third could be fatal. Your substance could even be 99% pure and still contain an extremely dangerous substance in that remaining percent.
This is why it’s incredibly important to understand the true meaning (and limitations) of “purity,” and to always test for fentanyl, along with another Spot Test Kit or Package. Spot Test Kits positively identify your substance, and rule out deadly cutting agents—our QTests are extremely useful in determining a substance’s concentration, but they do not identify your substance. Similarly, Fent Strips are the only way to rule out the presence of fentanyl.
Tips for Purity Testing
So you’ve got a QTest in hand, and you’re ready to test how much active drug is in your sample. Let’s cover some need-to-knows for your specific substance.
- Use these kits at room temperature. If stored in a refrigerator, let it warm up for 1 hour first.
- ALWAYS wear protective gloves and safety glasses while testing.
- Perform the test on a flat surface during the day, and evaluate the result in daylight immediately after the development time. Artificial light can affect the appearance of the color slightly, so if you do use artificial light, keep this in mind!
- Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background when evaluating the color.
Testing MDMA for Purity
DO use this kit with MDMA in these forms:
- Powder
- Crystalline
- Pills (ecstasy or pressed tablets of any color)
DO NOT use this kit with:
- Liquids
- 6-APB
- 5-MAPB
Make sure to verify you have MDMA, by first testing with our MDMA Spot Kit Package. This kit will react similarly with MDA, 6-APB and 5-MAPB, but it is not accurate with these substances.

Testing LSD for Purity
DO use this kit with LSD-25 in these forms:
- Blotter
- Liquid
- Sugar Cubes
DO NOT use this kit with:
- Gel tabs
- 1P-LSD
- 1cP-LSD
- ALD-52
- About blotters:
- Each perforated square in a given sheet of blotter will typically be the same dose. If you have individual squares of blotter that are not connected to each other (the perforation was broken when you obtained them), they may not come from the same sheet. Only connected squares can be assumed to be from the same sheet.
- About sugar cubes:
- When liquid LSD is dropped onto an absorbent medium (such as a sugar cube) it does not absorb evenly. This is why you need to crush & mix the sugar thoroughly before testing.

- About liquid:
- ALWAYS shake your vial of liquid LSD before dosing out a drop. Liquid LSD settles at the bottom of the vial. If you forget to shake it first, you could end up ingesting a dose 10 or even 20 times larger than expected.
- The liquid in a vial of LSD can evaporate over time, increasing its concentration. (The LSD doesn’t evaporate away. Only the liquid evaporates). This is particularly true with alcohol solutions, even when the lid is tightly closed.
- Older vials that have been sitting for many months can become more potent over time.
Testing Mushrooms for Potency
DO use this kit with dried fungal material:
- Solid or powdery mushrooms
- Mycelium
- Fruiting bodies
- Sclerotia “truffles”
- Dried Extracts
DO NOT use this kit with:
- Fresh mushrooms
- Psilocybin is not naturally distributed evenly inside of mushrooms! One mushroom can have significantly more/less psilocybin than another from the same batch.
- You need to homogenize (thoroughly chop and mix) your mushroom material before you perform the test, using a grinder or sharp knife/cutting board.
- The result will tell you the percentage of psilocybin per gram in all the remaining homogenized material.
- The total will be given in terms of psilocybin, but rest assured, these results measure both the psilocybin and psilocin present.

Testing Cannabis for Potency
DO use this kit with:
- Cannabis flower
- Cannabis buds
DO NOT use this kit with:
- Concentrated extracts
- Gummies
- Chocolates
- Brownies
- Other edibles
- THC / CBD is not naturally distributed evenly inside of flower/buds!
- You need to homogenize (thoroughly chop and mix) your cannabis material before you perform the test, using a grinder or sharp knife/cutting board.
- The result will tell you the percentage of THC/CBD in all the remaining homogenized material.

A Note About Safety with Our Drug Purity Test Kits
Make sure to pay careful attention to the safety instructions with these kits! QTests can be more dangerous than our typical reagent test kits, because they require opening and closing of containers of reagents (highly acidic chemicals). Wearing protective gear is extremely important while testing! Check out the safety info here:
- The sample used during testing should NOT be consumed!
- Before performing the test, put on the provided protective gloves, and wear protective clothing and safety glasses.
- If you wear contact lenses, remove them. The liquids in the vials contain acids which may cause skin irritation or severe eye damage.
- In the event you come in contact with the liquid, remove the affected clothing immediately and rinse the affected skin area with water for several minutes. In case of eye contact, rinse the affected eye with running water for several minutes.
- Perform the test either outdoors, or in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling the fumes, which can cause dizziness.
- The solution in the extraction vial is flammable. Do not smoke while performing the test.
- Keep pets and children away from the testing area.