LSD Purity Test Kit Instructions

LSD Purity Test Kit Instructions


  • Use this kit at room temperature. If stored in a refrigerator, let it warm up for 1 hour first.
  • ALWAYS wear protective gloves and safety glasses while testing.
  • Perform the test on a flat surface during the day, and evaluate the result in daylight immediately after the 12-minute development.
  • Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background when evaluating the color. (See Evaluate the Results for details).


  • This test kit detects LSD-25 and its concentration in blotter, liquid, and sugar cube form.
  • It does not work on gel tabs and does not react to 1P-LSD, 1cP-LSD, ALD-52, or ETH-LAD.


Perform the Test


1. Place your prepared sample (either 1/2 blotter, 1 drop liquid, or 1/4 sugar) into the glass vial.

2. Close the lid tightly and shake for 1-2 minutes. Proceed to Step 3, unless you’re testing blotter.
2A. (This step is for blotter ONLY):

  • Let the vial rest for 5 minutes, and then repeat the process 2-3 more times to ensure all the LSD is extracted.
  • During the 5-minute resting periods, make sure the blotter is in the liquid, not stuck to the side of the glass, or to the underside of the lid.
  • Shaking 3 times with a 5-minute resting period in between will extract all the LSD, even from the thickest blotter.
  • Proceed to Step 3.

3. Carefully open the extraction vial (with the black cap). Remove the colored cap from the plastic dropper vial (just the colored tip) and empty the contents into the glass vial by squeezing it with even pressure. Put the lids back onto both vials and close them tightly.

4. Gently invert the glass vial 4 or 5 times to mix the reagents together, and then set the vial down. In the presence of LSD, the liquid will begin turning a blue color immediately.

5. Wait 12 minutes for the color to completely develop. The result can then be interpreted using the enclosed color chart.


Evaluate the Results


  • Evaluate the results at 12 minutes (it can change if you wait too long).
  • Daytime sunlight is best suited for optimal evaluation.
  • If using artificial light, different color temperatures may slightly change the vial’s hue (e.g., high blue content in energy-saving lamps, green discoloration when using LED light from cell phones, etc).
  • If you see blue spots or streaks on the blotter:
  • This indicates that not all of the LSD got extracted from the blotter, and the result is inaccurate (your LSD is actually more potent than the result indicates). This will only happen with thicker blotters if the instructions were not carefully followed in Step 2A of the test.


  • Use a white, letter-sized sheet of paper as a background.
  • In daylight or under bright light, hold the glass vial next to the color chart about 6 to 8 inches in front of the white sheet of paper and look through the glass vial head on.
  • Compare the color of the liquid in the vial to the color chart. The concentration listed on the color chart corresponds to the amount of LSD that you tested.
  • If you tested 1/2 a blotter, multiply the results by 2 to see the concentration of LSD in the entire blotter.
  • If you tested 1/4 of a sugar cube, multiply the results by 4 to see the concentration of LSD in the entire, original cube.
  • If you tested 1 drop of liquid, the results indicate the amount of LSD in one drop.


More Info About Testing LSD Types

When Testing LSD Blotter:

  • Cut the square blotter in half.
  • Test just this half—at the end, you can multiply this number by 2 to get the micrograms of LSD in a full dose (1 square blotter).


  • Each perforated square in a given sheet of blotter will typically be the same dose, because the entire sheet was dipped into a tray of liquid LSD, which absorbed evenly throughout the sheet.
  • If you have individual squares of blotter that are not connected to each other (if the perforation was broken when you obtained them) then they may not come from the same sheet. Only connected squares can be assumed to be from the same sheet.


When Testing Liquid LSD:

  • Use only 1 drop, the end results will tell you how many micrograms are in this drop.


  • ALWAYS shake your vial of liquid LSD (and empty/refill the dropper a few times) before dosing out a drop. Liquid LSD tends to settle at the bottom of the vial.
  • If you forget to shake it first, you could end up ingesting a dose 10 or even 20 times larger than expected.
  • The liquid in a vial of LSD can evaporate over time, increasing its concentration. (The LSD doesn’t evaporate away. Only the liquid evaporates). This is particularly true with alcohol solutions, even when the lid is tightly closed.
  • Older vials that have been sitting for many months can become more potent over time.


When Testing LSD Sugar Cubes:

  • Crush and mix up the sugar, then pour all of it onto a milligram scale. Write down the total weight.
  • Weigh out and test just 1/4th of the sugar.
  • Later, you will need to multiply the end result by 4 to determine the amount of LSD in the entire cube.


  • When liquid LSD is dropped onto an absorbent medium (such as sugar cube) it does not absorb evenly. This is why you need to crush & mix the sugar thoroughly before testing.
  • The full cube won’t fit into the extraction vial, so just test 1/4th. Then, multiply the end result by 4 to get the full LSD amount.