COVID-19 Procedures


Here at The Bunk Police we’re taking the COVID-19 / Coronavirus outbreak very seriously, not just to keep our employees safe, but to keep our customers out of harms way as well. Here are some notes on how we will be proceeding from here:

1) We will continue shipping orders as normal for the foreseeable future with the same expediency that our customers have come to expect. As usual, any order placed by 3pm CST will be shipped that same day.

2) We will be using gloves to package all outgoing shipments as well as implementing proper hand washing and sanitation procedures in accordance with CDC guidelines.

3) Our employees have been and will continue observing all social distancing suggestions from the CDC. If there is even the slightest chance that one of our personnel has come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or if they are feeling unwell in any way, then they will be sent home on paid leave and tested immediately. They will not return to our facility until a negative test has been confirmed and they have recovered completely.

Your safety is our number one priority – and we’re here to help no matter what.

-=Adam Auctor=-

Founder – The Bunk Police